Laughter Coaching, Rivest Method Coaching, Mindfulness Coaching
MoreRobert Rivest Online, Wellbeing Laughter & The Rivest Method, Staurdays on Zoom
MoreLearn How to Lead Chair Laughter Yoga and Wellbeing Laughter for Seniors Robert Rivest Laughter Yoga Master Trainer
MoreLaughter Yoga Club, Free Laughter Session, 1st Sunday Every Month, Robert Rivest Laughter Yoga Teacher
MoreLive in Flow Wellbeing Laughter Session, Inspirational Daily Practice, Let Go-Live in Flow
MoreThich Nhat Hanh Teachings Embodied with mime, dance, mindful moves and poetry in motion. November 13, 2023 (Online) 1pm ET USA NYC Time (90 min) $20 To pay: Type in the event(s), date(s) Your Email and $USD amount to SEND to Robert Rivest
MoreThe Rivest Method, Mindfulness, Movement, Laughter, Wellbeing Laughter
MoreWellbeing Laughter with Robert Rivest & The Rivest Method of Joyful Living
MoreWhat is The Rivest Method of Joyful Living? Robert Rivest New Offering
MoreDay Long Celebration of Laughter with Laughter Yoga Teacher & Master Trainer Robert Rivest
MoreAn opportunity for students, friends and fans to help support Robert Rivest's mission to share Laughter & Joy Around the World